Sunday 19 February 2017

Learn from life

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford.

In life, to be a better professional you have to learn few things, the same applies also to be a better person. Life will teach us everything; it’s about reminding others what they fail to see.  We have to start learning from life one by one. In Social Media life, there are several applications to increase the likes, followers. In real life, it’s not that easy to influence, inspire people and converting them as followers.It may take a long time to develop those qualities in our life, before that it just take a matter of time to think. Only if we think, we can implement and lead a quality life. So, let us start to think with one of the basic quality which we need to develop as a good human being.

Appreciation - It’s a giving thing. People may ask money, gold, food, water from others but never appreciation, instead they yearn for it.

Think of the moments when you appreciate your mother’s food, father’s smartness, sibling’s work – why can’t we try this out with other people. Somehow, we fail to appreciate others when they do commendable job.

When a baby fell down while trying to walk, you got to appreciate its effort. Rather if you scold and threatened the baby for trying, it will never walk. On the contrary, if you appreciate when someone does evil, he’ll continue to do more. We need to know when to appreciate.  If we appreciate for everyone for everything then there will be no value for appreciation.

There were lot of speculation regarding the dislike button in facebook. Though Mark rolled out various reaction buttons, he didn’t introduce the dislike button. The reason given by Facebook was they didn’t want to limit user’s reaction to just simple “dislike”. Think in this perspective, when we share a post, if we get dislikes more than likes, psychologically we will reduce the number posts we share. At one point of time, we may stop posting in facebook. What if everyone has this fear and slowly Facebook turn to another Orkut. Mark may doesn’t want a single button, which depreciate people, to reduce his profit.

Makes sense right ?

On World Kidney Day, the organisation where I worked earlier conducted a free kidney check-up camp. Few volunteers from a hospital came and conducted the check-up. At the end of the day, those volunteers were waiting for their bus to return. In that time, myself along with my manager passed them. Suddenly, my manager stopped, went to them and said “You guys did a wonderful job. Thank you.” After wishing them, he left. I stood there and saw the smile in their face, which I think is priceless.

I didn’t appreciate them in first place.  Thus, it mean I don’t know about appreciation before? I knew about appreciation. Simple, I just forgot. This is the lesson life reminded me to appreciate people, if they do commendable work. In professional life, this will help us to have better relationship with our peers, sub-ordinates and also to maintain the co-ordination among employees and in personal life, it will keep you surrounded by your well wishers.

Develop the quality of Appreciation by appreciating me for reminding you about Appreciation. I do yearn for Appreciation. Human, right?

Jokes apart, take a moment to appreciate when people do good work, which we couldn’t do. It will just take a matter of time to apply in our life.

Keep Smiling :)

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